Friend A friend is a person to laugh and cry with, An inspiration, Someone who lends a helping hand, though friends may not be forever, And they may not end up together, the memories of a true friendship will last forever. A friend is not a shadow nor a servant But someone who hold a piece of a person in his heart. Someone who shares a smile, Someone who brightens up your day What makes a person a friend? Is by saying your Love will stay.
Selasa, 23 Mac 2010
Ahad, 21 Mac 2010
Add Math?!
during the holiday aku mmg x touching langsung buku add math.. doii.. seyes tiap kali aku tgk je mesty sakit pale. haha.. walaopun adew omwork. then aku decide kalo aku nk stay. aku kene study btol2. then here i go.. pgg buku add math dgn tngn gigil2. haha.. then dgn penuh semangat aku buat taw.. haha penin akuh dol. tp xpe at least aku try kan...haha.. aku pikir esok ade add math.. tp omwork x siap. then kene tnyer cikgu dol. adeehh.. aku kene usaha..
I WILL DO THE BEST FOR U.. haha. gtg.. nite already. aku kene tido
I WILL DO THE BEST FOR U.. haha. gtg.. nite already. aku kene tido
Khamis, 18 Mac 2010
Alice In Wonderland.. 17.03.2010.

At Last! siang td aku g gak tgk cite Alice in Wonderland.. terubat jugak rindu aku nk tgk johnny depp ensem ouh!..:D watak yg die pgg memang sesuai sgt doe.. giler2. haha. seyes besh giler.. then kua td aku g jalan2 beli cutex. and g tgk2 sweater g mkn kfc ngn acap. then tetibe terjumpe farah ngn amerr nga dating la tuh!.. nga jalan menuju ke destinasi la tu.. hhe.:D jngn pikir len.. destinasi cinta meyh! mmg berpuas aty gler la dapat tgk.. syok sgt.. smpai aku x tau nk kate pe.. tp paling besh an.. Red Queen tu dahi die sebijik mcm JENDUL.. only severel je yg tau meaning die.:D k.. bubbye now.:D
mmg mimpi die aku mlm nie.. haha.:D
Rabu, 17 Mac 2010
Avril Lavigne - Alice In Wonderland (haha)
Alice in Wonderland Lyrics
Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down ..Yeah
I fell down
I'm freaking out,
where am I now?
Upside down and
I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now,
oh oh
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I found myself in Wonderland
Get back on my feet, on the ground
Is this real?Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end
I, I'll get by I,
I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, and I won't cry
adoiii .. nk tgk alice in wonderland so badlyyy... johnny deep pakwe aku blakon.. adoii..
tp duet ..eleekk..mcm ane nie.. mane aku nk korek?.. adoii. nk kene tipun piee nie mane tau ade keje kosong kt tmpat die.. errr... grrr! adoiiii!~.. MAK SAYA NK DUET SIKIT...
mood; singging like crazy woman on a diet. :D
Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down ..Yeah
I fell down
I'm freaking out,
where am I now?
Upside down and
I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now,
oh oh
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I found myself in Wonderland
Get back on my feet, on the ground
Is this real?Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end
I, I'll get by I,
I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, and I won't cry
adoiii .. nk tgk alice in wonderland so badlyyy... johnny deep pakwe aku blakon.. adoii..
tp duet ..eleekk..mcm ane nie.. mane aku nk korek?.. adoii. nk kene tipun piee nie mane tau ade keje kosong kt tmpat die.. errr... grrr! adoiiii!~.. MAK SAYA NK DUET SIKIT...
mood; singging like crazy woman on a diet. :D
Isnin, 15 Mac 2010
Perempuan Tudung?.. errrr...
aku bukan nk kutuk ke pe. aku nk meluahkan perasaan x puas aty..ade time aku kua ngn membe2 aku.. kteorg mmg ske lepak tempat yg sunyi. kire mcm nk privasi la.. then tibe2 lak ade couple nie.. pmpuan u pakai tudung yg laki tu dress up mcm gay. ngn baju ketat die.. ngee.. seyes. aku x ske.. tibe2 time aku jalan depan diorg.. hish!.. ternmpk laki tu masok kan tngn dlm tudung pmpuan tu.. ngeee..
bapak meluat aku tgk agak2 la. nmpk giler pmpuan tu budak2 g.. da la pakai tudung. buat malu org islam je.. aku x tau nk ckp ape. kalo aku jadi mak budak tu seyes aku kejar die ngn seduk kalo die balik. nasib baik aku x knl die. kalo kenal mmg aku bg tau mak die. x malu wat malu org islam je.. aku yg kdg2 free hair nie pon x de la gedik2 nk wat bende tuu...(bangge diri :D) so, aku harap sgt jngn la buat bende2 tu sume depan aku. sbb aku seyes akan maki hamun depan budak tu.. errr.. gelii baiii..
bapak meluat aku tgk agak2 la. nmpk giler pmpuan tu budak2 g.. da la pakai tudung. buat malu org islam je.. aku x tau nk ckp ape. kalo aku jadi mak budak tu seyes aku kejar die ngn seduk kalo die balik. nasib baik aku x knl die. kalo kenal mmg aku bg tau mak die. x malu wat malu org islam je.. aku yg kdg2 free hair nie pon x de la gedik2 nk wat bende tuu...(bangge diri :D) so, aku harap sgt jngn la buat bende2 tu sume depan aku. sbb aku seyes akan maki hamun depan budak tu.. errr.. gelii baiii..
12.03.2010-14.03.2010 Taman Negara
Holiday rie tu aku g Taman negara . which known as tempat pelancongan. mmg ramai gler org putih kat sane plus diorg friendly sgt.. my aunty yg bawak g sane sbb ade rombongan skola die.. the reason she take me with her is to take care of her son "fikri" mcm babysitter la nie.. suddenly kat sane time naik bukit nk pegi coanopy walkway .. tour guide tu ajak pegi next activity iait climbing Bukit Terasek..My aunty mmg da x larat nk join . then die tour guide ckp sape nk join boleh join yg x nk ley balik.. then aku on join dgn penuh semangat mencari PENGALAMAN.. HAHA.. setelah bertahun2 aku x mendaki. then aku climbing la that bukit terasek .. haha.. nk taw? cool giler scnery die mmg lawa sgtt.... x penah aku nmpk kat mane2.. besh giler but a little tired la after long journey to get there.. haha.. tp kene gak buang lemak dalam 2 kg mcm tu.. tp seyes! besh sgt!!...
After climbing i went to Ear Cave Or know as Gua Telinga . haha.. aku nie penakot sgt x berani nk masok.. bukan pe.. aku punya ksut licin .. so aku x berani nk amik risiko kalo pape jadi kat aku. plus, tour guide ckp dlm tu mmg licin and batu die tajam2.. x nk aku .. eeee.. tp lepas dak2 nie kua dari gua tu sume bau taik kelawar.. haha. seyes bau diorg mcm bau TUNGKIK!.. haha.. bukan tungkik jer BACIN Lak tu.. hahaha. tp terasa rugi gak aku x masok gua tu..:(
Lepas tu, kteorg balik mkn and prepare for the next activities iaitu "Nightwalk" haha.. tour guide aku mlm tu sporting giler.. hehe. sporting habis la.. bak kate org jenis mcm xde perasaan and x kesah.. pape yg korang ckp pasal die.. die wat dekk jer... yg die tau keep going and show us some of nocturnal animal then show us the shortest way to get out from the forest .. which is good . hahahkalo dapat tour guide yg laen.. mesty die gune jalan jauhh.. plus, tour guide yg sporting nie digelar "Peon" oleh aku ngn anak2 cikgu (membe aku lerr). tp i think kan .."Mr.ShortCut" lg oke kott.. haha.. mane2 la.. then die nie malas.. ramai ckp die skip naik bukit terasek..benggong gler.. p rugi la aku x sempat nk amik gmbr ngn die.. . Oke cite Nightwalk huh!. seyes besh!... boleh rase enviroment yg x tergganggu oleh kemodenan kat sne .. mmg cool giler.. sng giler nampak buruj kat langit. yela. kalo kat bandar kan banyak lampu.. sbb tu buruj x nmpk sgt kat bandar.. tp mmg besh!. kalo ley diulang balik mase tu.. of course aku nk kembali balik kt time tuu.. haha.. mcm2 nocturnal kteorg jumpe.. haha.. CIKADA,WHITE SNAIL, CICAK Kubing and etc.. mmg syoookkk!....:D
For The last day. mmg x besh langsung!.. sbb my anuty kene balik awal. sbb nk g indonesia isnin nanty.. mmg frust giler.. da la next day tu rapid shooting. ase nk nanes pon ade gak, membe2 aku farhana, nisa, dayah sume pegi.. besh kalo pegi time x ramai org.. mcm ade ga privai. kalo berjalan ramai2 memekak lak tu.. sakit tinge aku.. tp seyes la.. kalo sape2 yg bace blog nie dapat peluang pegi. pegi la.. sbb kat sane korang akan pikir mcm2.. and dalam tu jugak korang ley enjoy nature kat sane. kalo ley g bawak duit bnyk2.. sane mahal. hee.. aku ade gak terpikir mcm syukur sgt idop kat dunia nie.. tuhan pencipta alam semesta yg sgt cntk untuk kite nape kite nk sia siakan.. btol x?. hehe. smpai sehari suntuk aku climbing, balik kaki aku da kebas jer. rse mcm xde kaki je.. haha.. there a bit of picture aku amik kat sane. tp x bnyk la..
Nie jalan nk pegi jeti crossing river and mcm2 g la..
nie hotel yg aku stay..:) TRV Hotel tq..
and ade sikit bunga yg aku jumpe.:D..x sume binatang aku amik gmbar tau
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