well,mostly i heard from my friends,
they currently bout their boyfie,
camnie lah, camtu lahh.
well ahaha. i'm a very good listenerr..
truly, haha, giving advice.haha. i really gud at those.
but i hav my own prob -.-
tu lah, so dont expect for me to hear ur problem 24,7 -.-
haha .
so, out title today is love?.
what making them so addicted?
so, the possibillity is -.-
they are so, sweet and ur just love to fall again and again -.-
yeke?.enta bg aku tu lahh.
btw; love is one of the Ungkapan Indah .
in life surely ur gonna hav something to make it so fun and lovely
to stay as a memory in mind.
but our heart hav their own limit.
example, if ur heart torn out again and again -.-
surely mmg tanak bercinta dah kan?,haha.
mcm2 la maki cinta, cakap tu ini -.-
cam salah cinta je.
padahal salah org yg bercinta tuu.
isk2. salah paham glerr.
haha,gedik gler -.-
well, tu je kott, aku ley ckp pasal cinta nie.
sbb aku pon bukan matang sgt,. haha, maklumlah,
ta bnyk bercinta cam korang kan?.
hahaha. btw,
hope u guys yg membaca, stay la dgn ur loves ones,
make it stay healthy, sampai jinjang pelamin,
kan sweet tu :)
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