soo, how's your holiday going?. hahaha.
me?. my holidayy?.
emm. the early holiday i already went to cameron,genting, and sabah as you
guys already know. so at the end of holidayyy.
!!!! is staying home taking care of my momm.
so, now its already 11.55 pm malaysia time -.-
i cant sleep because i think its so earlyy. i know when i'm writing this blog ..
it does'nt get this quite popular.. but i will keep on doing it.
its now about "how many follower did u get?."
its about keep on something in this blog that would make you remember about those
happy moment and scaryyy moment.
so i will keep on typing what i'm about to sayy.
so ,yesterdayy i stayed at my aunt house,
helping her to take care a baby. as
you already know next year my familyy will hav
a little baby in our family.
so it like practice all this move . how to change a diapers. and stuff.
haha. the bby is soooo cute!
his name is adam. omg!. i was like soooo jealous how cute he is. haha
haha. and even more cuter when he smile.:)
hahaha. the hole dayy i was so busy taking care of him. i cant even get a smile yaww~
so tired. so about 6.30pm . her mother pick him up. he was asleep at that time..
so here the best part.
after that i went to bed and have some nice sleeping beautyy ..
hahaha. the bad part is. i was sleeping in front of the television .
likee i dont even remember how i got there, my aunt suddenlyy likee
told me that i was snoringg . i was like huh?. since when did i snorring?
than she was like yes u did! and it the loud ones!. i wasss
omg! i'm snoringg?. omg ! Omg! Omg! i didnt even know that.
she keep telling that how my snorring stuff wakes my uncle.
then i begin like wtf!!!!. is my snorring like soo bad?.
like waking everyone up?.
i'm totally freaking out!. what would i do?. is my future husband gonna accept that?.
is like the top of my NOT-TO-HAV-LIST.
my aunty keep on talks about it. its more like this
snorring is like the baddest! i really mean BAD-DESTTTT~~~!!!!!
thinggg... shitttttttt!. errrr.
when i'm think about it back. i'm sleeping like 2 in the morning and wakes up at 7.00 am.
what do you expect?. i keep on taking care a baby for the whole dayy . now i'm tired
and my aunt said that i'm snoring.
yeah! i am snorring so what?. because i'm TIRED!.
and that explain the bed also. its so hardd like sleeping on the stone or somethingg.
soo, that really explain why i'm snorring.
and please please dont make is sound like so badd.
BECAUSE it wasn't!.
its just a simple and sometimes happen in life .
and its not wrongggggggg~