aku boring gler dok ruma nie. sooo fucking tired with all the drama happen in this house.
as u all know already my mum is 3 month pregnant.
she keeps on nagging, membebel ,u already know that by now.
errr.its feel like forever na tggu adik. omg!.haha
insyallah i can survive with all this "bebel" insyallah.
keeps on moving foward and keep on being deaf.
plus plus + + . every single night she will take the astro card.
derrr. korang bole bayang?.then pc pulak cerita die lain.
die amik wire behind this stupid pc -.-
bapak bosan plus geram giler.
so, now aku nga na chat ngn wawan trough this stupid ym. sbb
tade kedid dah na gayut.tp window langsung tak appear.
what worst can happen today?.
so fucking tireddd ..
i just wish that i can just jump whenever i want and everywhere i wanna be -.-
huh?. its like the heaven of the earth.
lol -.- my head full of fantasies .
okey last thing i wanna to tell u guys about my mum.
so aku jadi org tak bpe betol dok ruma. so aku lepak bilik belek2 buku
then i found this novel "sleepyhead" cam best.so i read bout 1 pages. then mak aku nmpk
she suddenly like grab and "bebel"
i was like -.- shitttttttttt
so now i like secretlyy readingg the book "breaking dawn"
the last episode for the twilight saga .
soo romantikkk!
i smile while readingg it. so it hav this 700++ pages.
bru bace 100++
hahaha. insyallah da abes baca nanti movi die pun kua kt wayang.
gud gud sgtt.
k. i gotta to go. to keep on living my boringgg stupid life -.-
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