this was last year photo.
hahaha. i still remember the first day at school .
when the first time i ever saw zee.
die sombong.serius.tak.tipuu. annoying gler. --'
and kteorg kenal sbb teacher fadzlon
pakse aku dok sebelah die. --'
time tu aku cam wtf.asal minah nie dok sebelah aku.
tak suke oooo. bonci sebonci2 eh.haha.
and then its all started with the story about
and thenn kteorg ceritaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
mcm2 bese la pmpuan kan?. haha.
time tu terus rapat. klaka kott.
org dlu2 penah ckp kan?
lebih kurang camnie.
jngn benci org , sbb org yg kite benci ni kdg2 boleh jadi org yg kite syg.
kan2?. takkan tak penah dgr?. haha.
so, skrg aku ngn zee dah setahun lebih kwn insyallah. harap2 kekal la sampai anak cucu esokk.
okeyy bye :)
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