Khamis, 23 Disember 2010

S-N-O-R-R-I-N-G-G !!!!!!!!!! -.-

soo, how's your holiday going?. hahaha.
me?. my holidayy?.
emm. the early holiday i already went to cameron,genting, and sabah as you
guys already know. so at the end of holidayyy.
!!!! is staying home taking care of my momm.
so, now its already 11.55 pm malaysia time -.-

i cant sleep because i think its so earlyy. i know when i'm writing this blog ..
it does'nt get this quite popular.. but i will keep on doing it.
its now about "how many follower did u get?."
its about keep on something in this blog that would make you remember about those
happy moment and scaryyy moment.
so i will keep on typing what i'm about to sayy.
so ,yesterdayy i stayed at my aunt house,
helping her to take care a baby. as
you already know next year my familyy will hav
a little baby in our family.

so it like practice all this move . how to change a diapers. and stuff.
haha. the bby is soooo cute!
his name is adam. omg!. i was like soooo jealous how cute he is. haha
haha. and even more cuter when he smile.:)
hahaha. the hole dayy i was so busy taking care of him. i cant even get a smile yaww~
so tired. so about 6.30pm . her mother pick him up. he was asleep at that time..
so here the best part.

after that i went to bed and have some nice sleeping beautyy ..
hahaha. the bad part is. i was sleeping in front of the television .
likee i dont even remember how i got there, my aunt suddenlyy likee
told me that i was snoringg . i was like huh?. since when did i snorring?
than she was like yes u did! and it the loud ones!. i wasss
omg! i'm snoringg?. omg ! Omg! Omg! i didnt even know that.
she keep telling that how my snorring stuff wakes my uncle.
then i begin like wtf!!!!. is my snorring like soo bad?.
like waking everyone up?.
i'm totally freaking out!. what would i do?. is my future husband gonna accept that?.
is like the top of my NOT-TO-HAV-LIST.
my aunty keep on talks about it. its more like this
snorring is like the baddest! i really mean BAD-DESTTTT~~~!!!!!
thinggg... shitttttttt!. errrr.
when i'm think about it back. i'm sleeping like 2 in the morning and wakes up at 7.00 am.
what do you expect?. i keep on taking care a baby for the whole dayy . now i'm tired
and my aunt said that i'm snoring.
yeah! i am snorring so what?. because i'm TIRED!.
and that explain the bed also. its so hardd like sleeping on the stone or somethingg.
soo, that really explain why i'm snorring.
and please please dont make is sound like so badd.
BECAUSE it wasn't!.
its just a simple and sometimes happen in life .
and its not wrongggggggg~

Sabtu, 18 Disember 2010


aku boring gler dok ruma nie. sooo fucking tired with all the drama happen in this house.
as u all know already my mum is 3 month pregnant.
she keeps on nagging, membebel ,u already know that by now.
errr.its feel like forever na tggu adik. omg!.haha
insyallah i can survive with all this "bebel" insyallah.
keeps on moving foward and keep on being deaf.

plus plus + + . every single night she will take the astro card.
derrr. korang bole bayang?.then pc pulak cerita die lain.
die amik wire behind this stupid pc -.-
bapak bosan plus geram giler.

so, now aku nga na chat ngn wawan trough this stupid ym. sbb
tade kedid dah na window langsung tak appear.
what worst can happen today?.
so fucking tireddd ..
i just wish that i can just jump whenever i want and everywhere i wanna be -.-
huh?. its like the heaven of the earth.
lol -.- my head full of fantasies .

okey last thing i wanna to tell u guys about my mum.
so aku jadi org tak bpe betol dok ruma. so aku lepak bilik belek2 buku
then i found this novel "sleepyhead" cam i read bout 1 pages. then mak aku nmpk
she suddenly like grab and "bebel"
i was like -.- shitttttttttt
so now i like secretlyy readingg the book "breaking dawn"
the last episode for the twilight saga .
soo romantikkk!
i smile while readingg it. so it hav this 700++ pages.
bru bace 100++
hahaha. insyallah da abes baca nanti movi die pun kua kt wayang.
gud gud sgtt.

k. i gotta to go. to keep on living my boringgg stupid life -.-

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Spende dan Cawatt.

Guys!.sorry!. :(
aritu g sabah ngn cameron aku tak jumpe la spende ngn cawat. puas aku carik.
soo. bg menyedapkan hati korang korang korang!.
aku buad gmbr jer oke?.
aku imagine cam gmbr kt atas tu lahh. na bg korangg.
hahaha. yg cameron tu aku na strawberry die btol2 kt balakng. bru comel.
kan kan kan?
hahahaha. tape esok aku buad kedai kt cameron jual spende.:D
haha.okeyy. enjoy :)

Mount Of Kinabalu, Sabah.

Sejak aku pegi sabah . aku dah tgk scenery sane ..
huhhh.sgt lawa.. aku mula la bercita2 na daki gunung to..
someday :).
insyallah. teringinn giler kott.
haha. so aku menunjukk kan betapa semangat aku.
aku carik kt internet pasal trip and harga die.
omg~.mahal gler.ade la dekat2 sampai seribu -.-
ngn belanja kt sane lagi. tp insyallah. aku
mmg berhajat gler. kalo tak dpt g taun dpn. maybe aku dah umo 20 lebih nanti.
time tu ramai membe2 ley ajak.
insyallah!!!. haha

Isnin, 22 November 2010

Today?.-.- derrr.

I'm so freakinggggg tired -.-

derr.. a whole dayy doing all this housework.
my mum pregnant so aku tak expect die wat keje berat2 bnyk aku berbesar hati membantu. bukan nak membangga ke hape .
tapi yg aku geram nie. Si Awek Najib -.-
die tak tau ke mak die ngndung ?. bole plak na tido2 ruma sedara.
cukup mak aku lahir kan bby tu turun la berat aku 10 kg kott -.-
tape. doing a good deed is always hav kinda feeling relieve .haha.
tape. aku redha je. dah ngn taun dpn mesti la busy year for me. dgn spm -.-
ngn ADIK BRU!.hahaha.
insyallah :)
soo. arini ape aku buad?. huh?.
ampai bju,masak,kemas2,mcm2 huh.. tapi bukan tu aku na cite.
aku na cite pasal pagi td.aku dok depan ruma, then suddenly aku dgr bunyik motor yg sgt kuad.
derr?. mmg tak syak lagi nie ,mamat taman aku yg
bajet mamat rempit.huh?.
dah lah pakai bju seyes ketat. cammm
derrr. nyampah gler.pastu buad bunyik moto cam bodo gler.
beselahh org kampung bru dpt motor la tuuu.
aku dah lahh penat gler arini. dgn nak dgn bunyik moto kau lagi.
ikotkan hati td aku baling pasu mak aku tu bia straight kene pale kau.
puas hati aku ! grrr =='
so kpd budak2 yg takde lesen lgi nie jngn la gedik2 na bawak moto.
sabar sikit. bpe taun je lgi na amik lesen.
takk ponn nanti akak hantar surat kt perdana menteri ckp
oke?.aku tulis ngn darah ayam bia scary sikit.
hahaha oke?.
so the conclusion is selagi ade mak bapak tu dera diorg suro hantar korang mane2.
first; sbb selamat.
second; mak ayah kau tahu kau poie melepak mane2.
tp jngn la sampai minx mak ayah korang hantar poie club pepagi bute lakk.
mmg banggang tahap kucing aku la kau.
kalo korang wat camtu mmg kene lah korang ngn mak korangg.hahaha
sampai ruma melompat2 cam monyet dpt belacan.hahaha
k thanks :)

Ahad, 21 November 2010

Sabah =.=

firstly i got to sayyy -.-
Org BELIA sabah cammm 'sakai' sorry guys, i got to say wut i thought in mind.
hahaha.sory sory sory.haha sopan gle aku kan?.kutuk2 pastu minx maaf.
okeyy, so membe2 aku tnyer how sabah?.
sabahhh actually awesome!.haha.
do you picture up there, huh, can u see the scenery?.
omg. the air was so fresh, you can smell peaceful there, i really enjoyed it a lott.

so, aku pegi sane 3 hari.
when i arrived there is already about -.- emmm.
2 .am kott lahh.
sampai sane tros check in hotel.and it was some kind a problem with this languange thingg.
haha.hell, funny -.-
haha , was like everything i say i hav to hav this bah ' at the back of my word.
derrr. but kinda funny when my lil sister make fun of that.
haha. like everytime we're about to buy something .so the coversation become like this.

Adik: Yg ini brapa ya,Bah?.
Aku; Bi
Adik: bodo bangat deh bah--'
Aku; Bi. get it?. okey it cam tak clear sgt -.-
everytime adik aku ckp bah aku tambh it sound more like this
haha. makcik kt situ mmg pandang daring habis lahh.padan muke sape suro aku carik pasal -.-
okeyy,next lets cite pasal hotel die -.-
huh!.promade =.= quiet awesome jugakk.
haha. kteorg cam ingat na on je air cond tu 24 jam tau. so cam ade
time na kene keluar tu . aku ckp ngn adk.
tayah tutup air cond beria2 ckp.haha. sbb aku na tdo bawah air cond tu bia sejuk sikit.
last2 aku yg last tutup pintu,
then aku tarik la kunci tu -.-
then thinking how stupid i was -.-
dodol. u know. skrg punye hotel dah upp.
tak mcm dlu. skrg punye kunci digunakan utk mengalirkan arus.
so, bile kite kua na cabot kunci secara tak sngaja elektrik akan berhenti -.-
ngok .ngek.
maklum lahh. lma tak g hotel -.-
hahaha. tapi besh gler.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Cameron Highland :)

The next trip is cameron highland.haha.
now, dah due trip aku pegi. arini na packing g sabah kejar flight kol 5 -.-
hahaha. so, wut happen kt cameron?.
ok here it goes..
firstly, seyess aku tade kwn kt sane -.-
penat aku pujuk2 budak2 nie pegi,, tapi sorang pon tak pegi. mcm2 mak ta bg pegi,
kene pegi kelantan -.-
hurrr.. wat pening je, so aku pegi la ngn mak cik aku -.-
sgt annoyingg sikit jln ngn die -.-
derr , mane tak nyerr. menggedik2 jer keje -.-
first tempat aku pegi ..
emmm. errr. urrr. hmm. hahaha. ta ingat.. tapi yg aku ingat
time naik bukit kt cameron tu.
punyer la kecik jln die -.-
aku dah mengucap2 dlm bas.hahah.
tapi alhamdulillah. sampai je kt cameron everything is fine, just ade la due tiga org yg muntah2.
euuu.hahha... padan muke sekow2.
hah.! aku dah ingat. sampai je kt cameron kteorg pegi kt appartment.
makan2 tuka2 bju. pastu nek bas balik.
aku pegi jalan2 kt pasar mlm ngn mak aku mak cik aku sume -.-
mak aku bg aku 25ringgt jer -.-
derrr.. sgt ta suke kalo jln ade mak aku sbb nie lahh.
waaaa :(
so jalan2 beli ape tahh. pastu jln lagii.. ingat na carik cactus. tapi beli bende lain.
dah lahh time tu hujann.
ngn kehilangan mak aku lgi.
aku jln ngn syazwan pegi kfcc.
boring gler.. dah lah hujan .
++ aku nie kaki jaln -.-
nmpk la dak2 nie berjalan meredahh hujan and stuff.
and 5 minutes aku dlm tuu. tibe2 ckgu aripin ngn anak2 dan isterinye dtg menjamu selera gakk.
bayang kan lahh kteorg sampai situ kol 7 or 8 camtu, berkumpul balik kol 10.
mane tak nyerr.. aku dok menghabiskan masa kt kfc jer.
borak2 je lahh. dgn sejuk giler nyerrr.
aku dah menangis dahh kt sanee.. waaa -.-
sejukk sgt3. lagi sejuk dari genting aritu.
amik kau. dee! u tipu i ckp tak sejuk -.-
hahha. tp best sgt lahh eventhough sejuk camtu. tapi sad giler kali nie.
tade org na pelok aku cam kt genting :(.
time nak naik bas je teacher fadzlon pelok aku, haha,.
panas la sikit pastu.
sampai jer appartmentt aku tuka2 bju pakai bju pnjng and stuff sume.
and tros tidoo =.=
tak tahann akuu.
hahha.ade la sorang budak tu pakai sua pendek..
giler kulit babi budak tu. tak sejuk ke?.
hahaha. and pukul 1 camtu aku terjga..
bisng glerr. dah lah aku tdo kt ruang tamuu -.-
aku tak expect that appartment scaryyy =.=
aku tanak cite. coz aku sorang2 skg niee -.-
so, aku tak tido mlm tu.
kol 4 camtu aku kejut mak aku suro masakk.
so aku ngnn budak name rosalindaa..
masak2 utk dak2 nie.
rajin kan aku?
masak2 pastu dlm kol 7 camtu aku tido balik. tak tahannn -.-
aku tido bngn kol 9 kott. enta . tros bngn siap2 aku tgk dak2 nie dah mandi sume.
aku lak yg ta siap pape -.-
kem kabot aku kejar toilett.
hahha. mandi2 giler sejukk air die -.-
aku siap tros nek bass. sambung tido balikk. bpe jam je aku tido -.-
jalan2 hujan lgi. giler tak besh jln time hujan./
tp besh sbb hujan lahh.
shopping2 sume. hahaha. besh! :).
nie je kott aku boleh cite tade idea sgtt.hahaha.
k thnkss bace aku membebel :)

Ahad, 31 Oktober 2010

Genting Highland :)

exam sudah habis, so ape lagi.
mak aku na siap2 wat rombongan g genting,cameron and sabah,
so, mcm 3 hari aku tade -.-
mesti korang rindu aku kan?.haha
so, 30.10.10 aku g genting mcm mak aku janji kann

time pegi aku sgt tah pape -.-
rase cam na demam, and so wutever -.-
ari jumaat farahh dah lah dera aku -.-
aku lepak2 ruma die . and ajak g giang balik mlm2 and stuff
mmg pengsan aku sampai rumahh.

pagi na pegi tu , bngn2 siap2 nek kete g ruma makcik aku
amik makanan, and straight g skolahh.
time otw g gentingg.
kerel gedik tu sgt gedik2. haha.
geram i yawwww.~
haha.sampai genting fara wat hal =.=
die hilang dari pandangan mataa.
kredit aku ponn habis -.-
sejk gile tngn aku fara hilangg.
buad hal betol si hidung nie
haha, then sampai atas je jalan2 ..
pastu pegi mencari si amir harris =.=
omg! tggi giler die .haha.
haha, boleh la cute .haha amirrrrrr u jngn kembanggg. nanti idong cam farahh
haha. after that pegi mkn2 boleh la mkanan die tapi aku tak leh mkn bnyk -.-
masaalah btol -.- tarikh yg salah mak aku bawak nie
dah lahh hujann. errr.

Tapi THE MOST BESTEST is mlm tggu bas
haha. giler beshhhhhhhhh!!. haha,. sejuk gilerr. kau penah ke rase sejuk camtu kt seremban?
hah?.haha, tgkap gmbr sume -.-
and iman bg aku rase bege mcd yg bru yg pedasss gilerr tuu..
iman kenapa?kenapa???? -.- adoi,
haha, dgn si kero kero kero tuu mengutuk2 aku.
mmg lama hidup btol mamat tu =.=
akis ngn ajib, cam bese tah lehh di pisahh kann. haha kan3?. haha
akiss bek kau syukur dpt akak cam aku, bertuah ohh.
eh , adik :)
haha. terasa cam budak kero ckp aku adk.
teringat time kecik2 darjahh 6, ahha

dlm bas?.senyap mcm kuburr. haha.
sume tidoo,. tak ingat dunia, ngn kaki aku naik letak atas kaki farhh
giler sopan aku tido khairil ckp" hjaha
tp selesa la tido camtu. terasa cam atas katil,
haha. tengs fara for lend me ur kaki ;D..

The conclusion : genting sgt best eventhough tak naik the stupid cabel carr.
tengs to friends yg buad aku rase g genting kali nie tak being spoil sgt. haha
tengs :)

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Sayang Awk?

i just got a called from wan tis morningg,
wan told me everythingg. so sweet of him.
ask me to be with him back .
but sory dear, sy tanak ngn awk -.-
sy tak sggup lgi.
sy sgt takot bende dulu akan jadi balik.
awk tahu kan sakit sy dulu?
sy sgt devastated. awk na ruin raya sy taun dpan lgi ke?
sy minx maaf.
sy tade org lain.tapi sy tanak awakk.
sy syg awk sgt2. awk jaga diri, pasnie
sy taleh dah na tgk2 awak lagi.
sy bukan selfish awakk.
sy fikirkan diri sy nie, takkan sy na serahh je hati sy kat awak.
awk bukan pandai jaga hati sy ponn.
tp awakk. awkk tahu kan?
sy sgt sygg awk. sy akan moving on lepas nie.
sy tanak tgk memory lame2 kite lagi.
sy maafkan sume kesalahan awkk.
sy bersyukur tuhan temukan sy ngn awk yg baik
sgt sweet, tahu ape sy suke,
tp awakk tahu kan?.
sume ade kelemahan sendiri.
awk faham kan?
sy minx maaf :(.

Jumaat, 22 Oktober 2010


dah seminggu kteorg mengadap exam -.-
haha, paper bi, bm, mt, physic dah habih,
physic tggl paper 3 jer.
ahaha, rileve la jugak exam nie dah habis, sbb of course
aku nak enjoy habis habisan, jngn harap na tgk skolah lgi
or muke ckgu2 haha,
kalo rindu dtg la ruma, gaga
btw mcm ckgu Fadzlon ckp, "i want to see ur face after exam"
exam dahh habiss,
tau lah na sambung sllybus form 5 wtv-.-
haha.btw kene gak wat rivision and stuff . adoi,
so, ade due hari cuti ni,
aku sgt pemalas, buku ponn tak usikk
add math isnin nie tah camne la aku jawap -.-
tape, aku akan study. gagaga.:D
k btw.
gud luck to all reader and yg amik exam tu.

Jumaat, 8 Oktober 2010

Love make u addicted?

well,mostly i heard from my friends,
they currently bout their boyfie,
camnie lah, camtu lahh.
well ahaha. i'm a very good listenerr..
truly, haha, giving advice.haha. i really gud at those.
but i hav my own prob -.-
tu lah, so dont expect for me to hear ur problem 24,7 -.-
haha .

so, out title today is love?.
what making them so addicted?
so, the possibillity is -.-
they are so, sweet and ur just love to fall again and again -.-
yeke?.enta bg aku tu lahh.
btw; love is one of the Ungkapan Indah .
in life surely ur gonna hav something to make it so fun and lovely
to stay as a memory in mind.
but our heart hav their own limit.
example, if ur heart torn out again and again -.-
surely mmg tanak bercinta dah kan?,haha.
mcm2 la maki cinta, cakap tu ini -.-
cam salah cinta je.
padahal salah org yg bercinta tuu.
isk2. salah paham glerr.
haha,gedik gler -.-

well, tu je kott, aku ley ckp pasal cinta nie.
sbb aku pon bukan matang sgt,. haha, maklumlah,
ta bnyk bercinta cam korang kan?.
hahaha. btw,

hope u guys yg membaca, stay la dgn ur loves ones,
make it stay healthy, sampai jinjang pelamin,
kan sweet tu :)

Rabu, 6 Oktober 2010

Something In My Mind that really need to come out :)

Not much to say.
haha. tired after a long chatting with qama and kero -.-
huh, gile punye drop, haha, seyes penat.
seb bek mak aku kinda cool today,
haha. relax jer td.
so now she's gone to score a program wut so everr.
haha. so , i'm sitting here all alone at my house.
choosing to do my homework,
but, soooo not in the mood,
and currently download a song,
haha, well, the reason i choosing to typing is.
something just crossing my mind.


huh?. the reason is, i really like him,
but he hav someone else -.-
wtf?. cam tut .
so, i just pretending like nothing happen,
i would never want to lie to my self another more days .
then i decide. to stop this and continue with my boring life as a school student
haha. wutever happen is i have to be cool, haha.
because everything happen for a reason.
i dont expect life would be so beautiful and perfect,
but i just wish for something to get better,
for someone who always by my side when i really needed.
for someone who gonna company me feed the fish at citypark:)
haha. wutever,life is life,
nothing about it gonna change :)

*listening to taylor-speak now :)

Isnin, 4 Oktober 2010


well, bosan gler.
balik skola je mak aku dah bagi keje.
suro masak. adoi, paling malas kott.
aku malas gler na masak nie. mentang2 mak aku jage pekse.
haha. tp tape. nvm bukan salu aku masak.
uh. tpi overall mmg malas nie -.-
arghhh.. haha.
okey lahh.
aku kan rajib ade keja nie -.-

Hang Out di Sekitar Seremban

well, hari nie i ade drebarr. haha
tengs najib sbb bawak g jalan2 kt citypark semban 2 tu.
haha punye la excited membebel ja lah aku .
sampai2 jer ade org jual mknn ikan kt tepi jln. aku tak expect tu makanan ikan. haha
btw aku tatau pun tu makanan ikan.haha.
klaka sikit. so yg plg besh aku na buad pengakuan sikit.
haha :DD
so tu mmcm excited sikit. haha.
then jalan2 bg mkn ikan bnyk2. haha. pegi mkn kfc. :)
huyoo.. tapi aku tak lapa. sj je na bg adik aku masa bersama ngn si ajib tu.
aha.baik kan aku?.
makan lah cheezy wedges. jahanam diet aku.
cam cilake.haha. dah lah na cover mkn skrg..-..-
tape esok aku ade duit aku na pegi kurus cara org kaya punya.
pastu g watson.. hehe aku beli lah brang2 aku .watson nie aku tak penah pegi,
yg sbelah kedai king tu-.-
puas aku tawaf 1 kedai carik ubt jerawat.
cam tut. glerr. pe la salah aku tnye org yg jage kdai tu -.- bijak kan aku?
last2 jumpe aku beli la ngn plaster. adik aku plak bantai melecett. maklum lahh
crocs 10 ringgit je. haha.
Otw balik cam bese lah aku membebel je.. mcm2 aku ckp aku pon ta paham.
and yg paling besh.

cery:ajib sore aku sdp tak?agak2 ley masok pertandingan koke tak?
ajib: sedapp. (dgn nada pemalas n try na focus tgk kete dpn)
cery: ouh oke. yeye je kau.
ajib: btol, JUJUR nie sore kau sedapp.

haha melompat2 aku time tu. bangga lak ai. adik ipa aku ckp sore aku sdp.
so, sdp la sore aku nie kan?.haha.
harap2 mulut kau masin ajib.haha.
kalo la aku jadi artis terkenal name kau aku sebut hari2 aku naik stage. ahaaha
k la. aku nie on9 tanpa pas port nie.
dah cam pedatang tnpa ijin.haha. on9 je keje.
kalo na update kene mlm2 camnie. seyes cam org thailand.haha
okey sawadikapp sume. tengs bace:)

Ahad, 26 September 2010

Raya tak ingat dunia.


aku telah membuat open house utk membe2 aku ngn adik aku..
then , the open house starts at 12. but 11.30 pm dak2 nie dah sampai. dah lah dgn
kem kabot aku na carik tudung sume. adoi. haha. makanan ta masak lgi. haha.
ta boleh bla. klaka gler. ramai gler ruma aku. sampai tak muat. maklum lah aku nie
tak kaya mcm korang . haha. ade yg coup gedik2 kt lua. mengade2 jer. nyampah mak tgk nyahhh... haha. so lepas tu aku ngn dak2 nie g raya ruma teacher fadzlon,
u makaiii... rumah die sgt besh!. besar sume. lol. haha. mcm HOTEL 3* :DD
pastu g mkn sume .. knyang aku mkn. dak2 nie mkn ruma aku bnyk2 sape suro. padan muke perot dah full. haha.

na dgr cerita seram?.aku tatau lahh.
zee razaly dok sebelah aku.. and sebelah lgi farah idong~. haha.
kt tempt zee lah. aku terasa ade org tiup aku punyer telinga ..
huh.aku da cuak .. aku tnye zee. die ckp td die bngn g amik mkn.
so, takkan die tibe2 giler na tiup telinga aku.. huh,time tu, bulu2 aku dahh naik.
aku ckp ngn fara jum lepak kt kusi tenggelam.haha
scary do... booo!
p/s ; sory time ruma teacher aku ta amik gmbr phone tinggal.

haha. pastu teacher hntar aku n THE geng balik. .sampai ruma.
adik aku bad news, ckp ajib dah balik,
benggong btol. bru na minx duit rye. haha.
tp tape.. aku cool. aku minx akak aku anta g rumah aliaa.
2x aku raye rumah die. haha. besh doe,
giler2 dak2 nie.
pastu ainaa!.suasana jadi sunyi sebentar..
Si Farah dah dok puji2 ainaa je kt telinga akuu. huh?. hampeh gler..
pastu ainaa ajak dtg ruma.
maklumlahh rumah ainaa dkat ngn ruma si aliaa niee..
pas mkn rumah al. kteorg pun cabot g rumah ainaa.

haha. dah lah kene jln kaki. teringat time kecik2. haha.
nie ade gmbr sikit.( yg kt atas tu) .
aha. berjalan tak ingat giler kott.
haha. pas g rumah ainaa.. mcm2 try.
rambut palsu pon jadi. haha. comel doe, dak2 nie pakai. aiman plg comel!. ngee.
then g raye ruma izaty sampai mlm.
akak aku la wat hal. ckp balik kol 6. last2 kol 10 aku smpai ruma. dengan hw ta buad -.-
ampeh. tp still besh!.
esok tu kteorg g ruma zu. haha.
besh jugak nanti aku cerita :)

Jumaat, 24 September 2010

me?.heart broken?.

yes!.i'm totally in the broken heart mod.everything happen to fast..
i still can remember the way he adorable. but dear,
why cant we stay any longer?. i still in love with you.
every single night i keep on thinking why u choose her?.
you always said that i'm the ONE. the ONE who gnna be the one forver.
but why?. my heart been torn into pieces when you said u already hav someone else.
i dont know how to act when you said its the true.
i keep on act silly.i thought all you said before is true, but?. its all lies..
i never love a guy this much.. i totally love you,
people might think that i'm stupid cause keep on waiting for you.
but, guys, pls be understanding for once,
dont you ever fall for someone?.
you totally gonna do anything to make it real and fun rite?.
same la me, we're just the same.
wan, if you reading this, i be waiting for you,
but i'm so srry.if one day u came to me.
and i hav someone else, then btol lah kate org ..
kite takde jodoh .
terima kasih .

and lastly ,
one day i promise u'll regret losing me
u'll think back and say
"damn ... that girl really DID love me ".

Selasa, 21 September 2010


Fuck!. i hate the guy that spoil my first day of hari raya. fuck u!

Isnin, 20 September 2010

My wish to you :)

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you wanna go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile.
But more than anything, more than anything...

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, more than anything...

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish. Yeah, yeah.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish (my wish, for you).

This is my wish (my wish, for you)
I hope you know somebody loves you (my wish, for you).
May all your dreams stay big (my wish, for you)

Sabtu, 12 Jun 2010

Batu Maloi?. :)

another adventure thing in my life. :DD. yey!!.. sgt besh dan sdp gila babi.. haha.. Gua Batu Maloi yg terletak kt kuala pilahh.. if i'm not mistaken la.. ooh .. touchwood!.. sgt besh kt sane.. i would prefer if kalo wat camping sane.. much better .. lgi besh kott.. ade night walking and stuff.. it must be great ...

there some of the photo. tah gmbr sape aku cilook..

malehh na ltak manyak2 .. sbb mukan gmbr aku XD.. haha.. kalo sape pegyy bawak camra water proof bley la.:DD

Jumaat, 23 April 2010

Shit! stop disturbing my life stupid!

errrr.. bullshit btol. benci3. asik mencarut je aku nie. da lame x tulis blog. perghhh! rindu. aku ade problem cikit nie. ex lame contact aku balik. so, aku pon lyn je mcm bese. an suddenly die ajak sambung balik(couple lah tu) . aku ckp lah aku syes malas gler vavi nk kpl skg. so, aku decide nk kwn je malas nk pkir2. then aku ajak die kua. boring .. lgi ponn nk tau perkembangan die skg. die pon x kesah..
so kteorg decide nk kuar ari ahad nanti. entah lah. aku cool je . malas nk pikir2 sgt.
yg point sbena aku nk bg taw. kalo ade yg tau aku nk kuar x yah nk heboh2 kt mak aku bagai. so wut? aku bukan g hotel ngn mamat tu. nk g tgk wayang and g koke. so? xde pape. just 4 fun. errr
bullshit btol larr~

Isnin, 5 April 2010

4 Kenanga?.

klas taun nie ley tahan larr.. dak2 yg masok air. haha. and dapat membe baik yg mmg masok air giler vavi, zzaty. haha. not bad. tp yg kureng besh .. fadzlon act as my class teacher.. mmm..
Boringgg Like hell oii.. emm.. k larr.. bubbye..

Selasa, 23 Mac 2010

Read and Understand..=)

Friend A friend is a person to laugh and cry with, An inspiration, Someone who lends a helping hand, though friends may not be forever, And they may not end up together, the memories of a true friendship will last forever. A friend is not a shadow nor a servant But someone who hold a piece of a person in his heart. Someone who shares a smile, Someone who brightens up your day What makes a person a friend? Is by saying your Love will stay.

Ahad, 21 Mac 2010

Add Math?!

during the holiday aku mmg x touching langsung buku add math.. doii.. seyes tiap kali aku tgk je mesty sakit pale. haha.. walaopun adew omwork. then aku decide kalo aku nk stay. aku kene study btol2. then here i go.. pgg buku add math dgn tngn gigil2. haha.. then dgn penuh semangat aku buat taw.. haha penin akuh dol. tp xpe at least aku try kan...haha.. aku pikir esok ade add math.. tp omwork x siap. then kene tnyer cikgu dol. adeehh.. aku kene usaha..
I WILL DO THE BEST FOR U.. haha. gtg.. nite already. aku kene tido

Khamis, 18 Mac 2010

Alice In Wonderland.. 17.03.2010.

At Last! siang td aku g gak tgk cite Alice in Wonderland.. terubat jugak rindu aku nk tgk johnny depp ensem ouh!..:D watak yg die pgg memang sesuai sgt doe.. giler2. haha. seyes besh giler.. then kua td aku g jalan2 beli cutex. and g tgk2 sweater g mkn kfc ngn acap. then tetibe terjumpe farah ngn amerr nga dating la tuh!.. nga jalan menuju ke destinasi la tu.. hhe.:D jngn pikir len.. destinasi cinta meyh! mmg berpuas aty gler la dapat tgk.. syok sgt.. smpai aku x tau nk kate pe.. tp paling besh an.. Red Queen tu dahi die sebijik mcm JENDUL.. only severel je yg tau meaning die.:D k.. bubbye now.:D
mmg mimpi die aku mlm nie.. haha.:D

Rabu, 17 Mac 2010

OMG! Kucenn aku Men Ganas?!

DIE MEN GANAS.. haha.. seyes kucen aku gigit kuku kaki ku sampai berdarah.=(

Avril Lavigne - Alice In Wonderland (haha)

Alice in Wonderland Lyrics
Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down ..Yeah
I fell down
I'm freaking out,
where am I now?
Upside down and
I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now,
oh oh
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I found myself in Wonderland
Get back on my feet, on the ground
Is this real?Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end
I, I'll get by I,
I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, and I won't cry

adoiii .. nk tgk alice in wonderland so badlyyy... johnny deep pakwe aku blakon.. adoii..
tp duet ..eleekk..mcm ane nie.. mane aku nk korek?.. adoii. nk kene tipun piee nie mane tau ade keje kosong kt tmpat die.. errr... grrr! adoiiii!~.. MAK SAYA NK DUET SIKIT...

mood; singging like crazy woman on a diet. :D

Isnin, 15 Mac 2010

Perempuan Tudung?.. errrr...

aku bukan nk kutuk ke pe. aku nk meluahkan perasaan x puas aty..ade time aku kua ngn membe2 aku.. kteorg mmg ske lepak tempat yg sunyi. kire mcm nk privasi la.. then tibe2 lak ade couple nie.. pmpuan u pakai tudung yg laki tu dress up mcm gay. ngn baju ketat die.. ngee.. seyes. aku x ske.. tibe2 time aku jalan depan diorg.. hish!.. ternmpk laki tu masok kan tngn dlm tudung pmpuan tu.. ngeee..

bapak meluat aku tgk agak2 la. nmpk giler pmpuan tu budak2 g.. da la pakai tudung. buat malu org islam je.. aku x tau nk ckp ape. kalo aku jadi mak budak tu seyes aku kejar die ngn seduk kalo die balik. nasib baik aku x knl die. kalo kenal mmg aku bg tau mak die. x malu wat malu org islam je.. aku yg kdg2 free hair nie pon x de la gedik2 nk wat bende tuu...(bangge diri :D) so, aku harap sgt jngn la buat bende2 tu sume depan aku. sbb aku seyes akan maki hamun depan budak tu.. errr.. gelii baiii..

12.03.2010-14.03.2010 Taman Negara

Holiday rie tu aku g Taman negara . which known as tempat pelancongan. mmg ramai gler org putih kat sane plus diorg friendly sgt.. my aunty yg bawak g sane sbb ade rombongan skola die.. the reason she take me with her is to take care of her son "fikri" mcm babysitter la nie.. suddenly kat sane time naik bukit nk pegi coanopy walkway .. tour guide tu ajak pegi next activity iait climbing Bukit Terasek..My aunty mmg da x larat nk join . then die tour guide ckp sape nk join boleh join yg x nk ley balik.. then aku on join dgn penuh semangat mencari PENGALAMAN.. HAHA.. setelah bertahun2 aku x mendaki. then aku climbing la that bukit terasek .. haha.. nk taw? cool giler scnery die mmg lawa sgtt.... x penah aku nmpk kat mane2.. besh giler but a little tired la after long journey to get there.. haha.. tp kene gak buang lemak dalam 2 kg mcm tu.. tp seyes! besh sgt!!...
After climbing i went to Ear Cave Or know as Gua Telinga . haha.. aku nie penakot sgt x berani nk masok.. bukan pe.. aku punya ksut licin .. so aku x berani nk amik risiko kalo pape jadi kat aku. plus, tour guide ckp dlm tu mmg licin and batu die tajam2.. x nk aku .. eeee.. tp lepas dak2 nie kua dari gua tu sume bau taik kelawar.. haha. seyes bau diorg mcm bau TUNGKIK!.. haha.. bukan tungkik jer BACIN Lak tu.. hahaha. tp terasa rugi gak aku x masok gua tu..:(
Lepas tu, kteorg balik mkn and prepare for the next activities iaitu "Nightwalk" haha.. tour guide aku mlm tu sporting giler.. hehe. sporting habis la.. bak kate org jenis mcm xde perasaan and x kesah.. pape yg korang ckp pasal die.. die wat dekk jer... yg die tau keep going and show us some of nocturnal animal then show us the shortest way to get out from the forest .. which is good . hahahkalo dapat tour guide yg laen.. mesty die gune jalan jauhh.. plus, tour guide yg sporting nie digelar "Peon" oleh aku ngn anak2 cikgu (membe aku lerr). tp i think kan .."Mr.ShortCut" lg oke kott.. haha.. mane2 la.. then die nie malas.. ramai ckp die skip naik bukit terasek..benggong gler.. p rugi la aku x sempat nk amik gmbr ngn die.. . Oke cite Nightwalk huh!. seyes besh!... boleh rase enviroment yg x tergganggu oleh kemodenan kat sne .. mmg cool giler.. sng giler nampak buruj kat langit. yela. kalo kat bandar kan banyak lampu.. sbb tu buruj x nmpk sgt kat bandar.. tp mmg besh!. kalo ley diulang balik mase tu.. of course aku nk kembali balik kt time tuu.. haha.. mcm2 nocturnal kteorg jumpe.. haha.. CIKADA,WHITE SNAIL, CICAK Kubing and etc.. mmg syoookkk!....:D
For The last day. mmg x besh langsung!.. sbb my anuty kene balik awal. sbb nk g indonesia isnin nanty.. mmg frust giler.. da la next day tu rapid shooting. ase nk nanes pon ade gak, membe2 aku farhana, nisa, dayah sume pegi.. besh kalo pegi time x ramai org.. mcm ade ga privai. kalo berjalan ramai2 memekak lak tu.. sakit tinge aku.. tp seyes la.. kalo sape2 yg bace blog nie dapat peluang pegi. pegi la.. sbb kat sane korang akan pikir mcm2.. and dalam tu jugak korang ley enjoy nature kat sane. kalo ley g bawak duit bnyk2.. sane mahal. hee.. aku ade gak terpikir mcm syukur sgt idop kat dunia nie.. tuhan pencipta alam semesta yg sgt cntk untuk kite nape kite nk sia siakan.. btol x?. hehe. smpai sehari suntuk aku climbing, balik kaki aku da kebas jer. rse mcm xde kaki je.. haha.. there a bit of picture aku amik kat sane. tp x bnyk la..

Nie jalan nk pegi jeti crossing river and mcm2 g la..

nie hotel yg aku stay..:) TRV Hotel tq..

and ade sikit bunga yg aku jumpe.:D..x sume binatang aku amik gmbar tau